A star is born!
What can you do with straws and string?
Advanced studio campers were given the challenge of making a geometric mobile.
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.- Benjamin Franklin
How many mentors can you count here?
I gave the challenge and demonstrated making a square pyramid,
I found that the string I was using wasn’t working well .
I asked “Can you figure out a better solution?”
After about an hour, I invited our CIT (age 13) to start creating with them also.
And the campers taught her what they figured out so far.
And by the end of the day, the four of them created three unique mobiles.
How do you make a star?
"Think of many triangular pyramids connected to a wheel” they taught a rather astonished me.
PS - This was a part of The Last Straw Camp that focused on environmental awareness around Single Use Plastics. No new straws were purchased . It’s a reuse project.
Creative Comments Question:
What have you taught someone recently or what has someone taught you?