This spring, I am stretching my creativity by participating in #creativesprint , a 30 day prompt challenge. You’ll see my creative process in three parts: 1. Making an Image 2. Reflecting on Ideas and 3. Sharing insights and excitement about the Art Yowza Camp Heroes Journey.
Starting to work with my hands helps me get into 3-D thinking. As a warm up, I used my first cup to make a chair throne.
With a second cup, I wanted to be surprised so I experimented and
made a crown by trimming off the bottom
cut a Matisse pattern into the side
pulled down wings from triangular cuts
taped on legs and details with the warm up scraps
I thought about the riddle of Humpty Dumpty .... the assumption that a clumsy person falling off a wall might not be irreparably damaged, whereas an egg would be. I thought about Growth Mindset and about getting past labels like good or bad egg. And then I looked up some quotes about leaping.
On Thursdays during Summer Camp, we work in pairs and teams as Future Inventors using design thinking.
It's my job to convey a sense of safety that communicates, "You'll figure it out. Give it a try. There's freedom in knowing how to fly." Excited to use their creativity, campers love exploring what could benefit our community partners (Operation Smile, FAAS or the Golden Gate Audubon). Using empathy, we define, ideate, prototype and test our ideas.
Hero Journey Guides (ages 12-15) are on hand to help the campers:
Understand the need
Work with other people
Create workable bite-sized pieces
Piece together prototypes
Share their out of the box ideas
Design-thinking is a rewarding process that kids can use their whole lives.
Art Yowza Camp is a place where you can
Be curious,play and discover
Share you ideas and listen to your team
Keep an open mind
Try your ideas to learn what works
Make improvements by getting feedback
We bust the box and build with the pieces.
We fly by testing our wings.