The Bumpy Push
Did you notice that all my School Holiday Camps have themes linked to environmental awareness?
I’ve changed it up a bit. I figure why not make art that can make a difference.
So, this means I’ve had to study up. On New Year’s Eve, I was searching for info graphics, videos and eco-curriculum that’s perfect for kids.
And how to incorporate this new learning is a challenge for me.
On Wednesday, kids came excited to make Magical Portals,
Fairy doors are quite intriguing and while everyone was deep into their designs, I started talking about how our actions can help cool down the earth
. I lost them on carbon and oxygen. I can’t even really bring myself to tell you the blah, blah, blah of my carbon footprint talk. It got no traction.
The Fiery Pull
I asked why should we care? A few kids said, “ We love the polar bears!.”
And then an 8-year said “Forest Fires” and then further added, “ Did you know that the recent CA fires were caused by a family campfire?
All eyes looked up and it was suddenly quiet. He had the floor to tell what became a rather creative story.
In case you are wondering, Marshmallows was the magic word that brought everyone into the portal of learning.
“That’s what we storytellers do. We restore order with imagination. We instill hope again and again and again. –Walt Disney
Creative Comment Question:
What gets your attention?