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Join us for Art, Games & magical stories!

Each camp meets on Zoom for two hours

Monday -Friday for a week
9:30 am - 12:00 pm PST (with a break between 10:15-10:45 )

Ages 6-9

Ages 10-12 *. Advanced Studio

Rebecca Stees, Instructor


Let’s go on a heroes’ journey!

Meet new friends and start helping our animal hero (and sometimes humans too)  

Your creativity is needed!  Together, we’ll invent a powerful adventure story

Art, movement and games are our magical portals to enter this new world. 

Along the way, we’ll meet fun allies, creative challenges and opportunities to shine. 

Your art, skills and stories can inspire others and save the day!

We’re going to make Drawings, Paintings, Collage, Clay/ Sculptures & Cartoons!

I’ll provide you with an online shopping list to build your SUPPLY BOX.

Sign up!

Start your day with bold creative fun!

Each day and week are unique!


June  1-  5     Playful Otters 

 June 8 - 12       Ocean Creatures 

 June 15 - 19      Birds of a Feather 

 June 22 - 26       Sweet Pups    

 June 29 - July 3  Wildlife Critters


 July 6 -  10       Pets Pals          

 July 13 - 17       World Wide Smiles 

 July 20 - 24       Sunshine Power 

 July 27 - 31        Good Neighbors  


 August  3 -7       Ahoy!  Mates

 August 10 - 14    Earth Hug

 August  17 -  21   Big Trees Camp

Heroes Journey

Daily Compass

We’ll navigate our way towards fun!

9:30 Welcome + Pick your character

9:35 Special Mission

9:45 Art

10:15 Free Time Break

10:45 Next Adventure

10:55 Art

11:25 Games & Movement

11:55 Closing Circle & Extra Creative Fun

12:00 See you tomorrow!

Adventure Story

We’ll meet new characters along the way.

MON Meet our Hero Adventurer

TUES Interact with Magical Mentors   

WED Encounter the Wild Challengers     

THURS Join forces with Future Inventors   

FRI Transform into a Change Maker     

What you will need

Pack your supply Box

All adventures need supplies to keep going!

Onlne Shopping List coming soon!

I recommend creating a basic SUPPLY BOX before camp starts

PAPER: Printer, Card Stock, Origami and Colored Construction, Newspaper, Old Magazines

MARKMAKING Pencil, Scissors, Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencils

STICKY STUFF: Glue Stick, Tape -Scotch, Masking, and Duct

PAINT: Watercolor , Paint Brushes, Rag and Water Cup

CLAY. Modeling Clay

CONNECTORS: Hole Puncher, Stapler (and staples), Pipe Cleaners

CRAFTY STUFF: Cardboard Boxes, Fabric, Felt, Yarn and Craft Sticks